Where you you like to work? What time of day is most productive for you to work and why do you think that is?
I’ve made myself a makeshift “studio” in the corner of a room, fully equipped with a tiny pink desk, night table with a sewing machine on it, and supplies piled beneath. I work from home, but unfortunately home is a closet sized room in an apartment. I’ve always had trouble working in open exposed space, I like to hole up in my own little world. It’s tight, but it’s all my space, which makes me feel infinitely inspired. As for time of day, I’m an odd mix of both a morning and night person, I’m not so productive or useful mid day 2-6 so that’s when I usually run errands, go to the post office, and meet up with people, then I come back to work.

Where does your source material come from?
I do a ton of research at the library, but I always have to know what I’m looking for first. I usually research topics a bit online and put together a book list before hitting the stacks to search for images, stories and information. For collages though, I have a huge box full of patterns and things I’ve cut out of magazines and scanned out of books so that I’m always ready with a variety of textures, patterns and images to work with. It’s a continual work in progress, searching for inspiration and new materials.

What kind of images inspire you, do you keep a sketchbook?
I used to be a lot better about keeping a sketchbook but I have so much anxiety about work being permanently kept in a bound book that I usually don’t do much sketching inside. I gravitate more towards doing completed mini pieces that just happen to be inside a sketchbook. Plus, I’m a jerk and I glue together pages that I don’t like so no one can ever see them, haha. Most of my sketches for drawings I’m working on are done on loose paper or in a spiral bound “sketchbook” that I can tear out and scan from as things start coming together.

What techniques and processes are your favorite?
I like mixing a variety of processes in each piece, it’s the mix that keeps things interesting. I love working with collage elements and screenprinting, and a friend taught me how to do paper lithography pretty recently, I’m looking forward to incorporating more printing processes into my illustrations.
What is special and inspiring about living where you do ?
I live in Brooklyn right now which is so inspirational but challenging all at the same time. I like the energy, and that everything around seems to be a giant hodge podge of mismatched textures and colors, but I get frustrated with the amount of effort required to do really simple tasks. Some days are definitely more energetic than others.

Small Plush Heart Necklace- Nature Print
What is a normal day like for you, how many hours a day/week do you get to actually focus and produce new works?
Haha, normal day. Every day is completely unique. Some days I get up and work completely normal hours freelancing in design offices, and other days I get up at dawn, do 5 or 6 hours of creating and then go to the post office, do bookkeeping, and supply runs before returning home to start on new projects. Some days I sew and make things all day, some days I do mostly administrative things like returning emails, updating the shop, packing orders etc. It’s a mix, and that’s what I love about freelancing. Every day I work really really hard for well over 8 hours, it’s pretty satisfying to see things take shape.

Who are your fav designers and artists??
Oh so many! I’m completely fascinated by people who can knit, because I definitely lack the patience.Off of etsy, I really like the sculptural pieces done by EV Day, and the architectural influenced paintings by Kristen Shiele, I think both of them deal with space in a completely unique way, and I am always eager to see new projects from each of them.

Love: “The Memory Collector” http://www.etsy.com/shop/memorycollector and on a totally different side of things, I’m fascinated by “Wee Green Spot” and her custom terrariums, each one has a little magic touch. http://www.etsy.com/shop/weegreenspot

Do you go to museums? what is your favorite art related place to go (a place you feel inspired after you leave)??? is it a gallery, store, section in a museum???
I have a bit of an attention span problem with museums, everything is so clean, and quiet, I usually wander through, stop at what I like and then leave, with one big exception, I love the Museum of Natural History here in NY and the one in DC is fantastic as well. I think that’s a remnant of being a math and science kid growing up, My favorite room is the one with the giant blue whale and squid hanging in the NY one.

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